The BMS platform is a service management platform independently developed by Besender, including:

1. The self-service repair platform can be used as Webportal, PC/M, helps DTC sellers develop overseas markets in the fields of self-service repairing, replacement, logistics tracking, and order status inquiry for consumers.

2. BMS system ensures real-time management of global service providers with different service modes, including repair service providers, store service providers, warehousing service providers, logistics, multi-currency, tickets, and can provide multi-port service in different languages.

3. Applet version – PDA, it can improve management efficiency and service productivity, and with multiple ports users can operate and manage service progress and ticket at the same time.

4. IOT software interconnection – It can realize the interconnection with the Apps of smart products. Therefore, consumers can submit service tickets directly through App. It provides consumers with a one-stop solution, which is convenient and efficient, help our partners improve the consistency of services, brand images and gain trust from consumers.

RMA - Webportal System:

 It can be developed and provided to users such as call centers, end customers, retailers, etc. It’s suitable for various scenarios.

Work order management and control system:

Collaborative management of service terminals such as global maintenance points, call centers, storage centers, and logistics providers.

Service management system:

 implement supervision and process such as after-sales (customer service, quality inspection, maintenance, refurbishment, data) and warehouse allocation (material management, machine management, receipt and delivery) and other information.